August in the Water: Music for Film 1995-2005
August in the Water: Music for Film 1995-2005
This is a soundtrack collection by Hiroyuki Onogawa, "August in the Water: Music for Film 1995-2005" (2023).
This retrospective work, featuring selections from the films August in the Water (1995), Galaxy in the Dreams (1997), and Heart in the Mirror (2005), all directed by Takeo Ishii (formerly known as Sogo Ishii), has been arranged on an album by Hiroyuki Onogawa himself and covers a fertile period of his collaboration with Takeo Ishii.
Gakuryu Ishii's innovative and pioneering film work is highly influential, with his film Crazy Thunder Road (1980) often cited as the beginning of the Japanese cyberpunk genre.
The album jacket is impressive, imitating the diving event from "August in the Water," which also bears the title of this work. I recommend listening to the soundtrack and imagining what kind of scene it is before watching the movie, as it is a different way to enjoy it (Ammel).