"2 SIM" (2024) by Duval thimothy.
The phrase "2 Sim" comes from mobile phones that use two SIM cards and appears to describe people of mixed race, dual nationality or multiple residences. Duvall began exploring the "2 Sim" experience in contemporary West Africa after being referred to as a "2 Sim" by a stranger during a walk through Freetown.
"2 Sim" was produced over the course of two months in Freetown, Sierra Leone, following interviews and local field recordings with family, friends and colleagues. These location-specific audio recordings are combined and collaged with solo piano recordings and production recorded in Sierra Leone and the UK. The EP is accompanied by a short film/music video of the same title, which Duvall shot and directed while making the record.
The album released in 2018 has been repressed. 2 SIM's words give a dualistic and dichotomous impression, but the album jacket is pink and orange. The warm colors are bordered by a certain amount of space and spaciousness. I also recommend watching the music video, which is also posted on YouTube. (Ammel)